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iSTYLE Business

Svojim zaposlenim omogočite maksimalno produktivnost.
macOS in iOS sta zasnovana tako, da se zaposleni med delom lahko počutijo prijetno in varno. Z intuitivnimi kontrolami bodo lažje in hitreje opravljali svoje naloge in dosegali kar najboljše rezultate. Rezultat tega pa bo učinkovitejše in uspešnejše podjetje.
Preverite 11 razlogov, kako lahko Mac izboljša vaše poslovanje
- Zakaj Apple
- Kdo smo
- Kaj počnemo
- Zakaj nas izbrati
Apple za podjetja
Applovi izdelki so narejeni tako, da odražajo potrebe sodobnih podjetij in organizacij. Zaposlenim ponujajo neverjetne rešitve, skupaj z reprezentativnim dizajnom, ki poudarja podobo kakovostnega poslovnega partnerja.
Z intuitivnimi kontrolami se lahko izdelke enostavno namesti v mala, srednje velika in velika podjetja, vključno s korporacijami, kjer so popolnoma združljivi s poslovnimi sistemi in aplikacijami.
Priljubljenost platform macOS in iOS predstavlja tudi nemoten prehod med sistemi, saj večina zaposlenih že pozna to okolje.
Zasnovani za kateri koli oddelek
Applovi izdelki imajo popoln dizajn, intuitivno upravljanje in največji ekosistem povezanih aplikacij. Zaradi tega so najboljše orodje za vsakega zaposlenega. Pomagajte svojim zaposlenim pri vsakodnevnih nalogah in s tem zagotovite večjo vrednost vašega podjetja.
Pripravljeni za uporabo
Applovi izdelki brezhibno delujejo z aplikacijami, ki jih uporabljate, kot sta Google G Suite ali Microsoft Office. To vašim zaposlenim omogoča udobno preklapljanje med aplikacijami in delom, kot so že navajeni.
Na vseh mobilnih platformah ima Apple največ aplikacij, ki jih potrebujete za vaše podjetje. Začenši s poslovno inteligenco, fakturiranjem, komunikacijo ali merjenjem in spremljanjem učinkovitosti.
Aplikacije lahko enostavno prilagodite tako, da ustrezajo vašim poslovnim potrebam in poslovnemu okolju. Sistemi se lahko vgradijo tudi v zaledne (back-end) sisteme.
Varnost na prvem mestu
Applovi izdelki so v osnovi pripravljeni za uporabo z inovativnimi rešitvami in paketom aplikacij. Ta osnovna rešitev vključuje tudi sistemsko zaščito - od varnosti naprave, do aplikacij in varovanja podatkov.
Z rednimi posodobitvami, vključno s pomočjo za upravljanje na daljavo, ste lahko prepričani, da imate varne izdelke kakovostnega ponudnika.
Enostavni za uporabo, podporo in upravljanje
Zaradi svoje združljivosti so Applovi izdelki popolnoma integrirani v vaše podjetje, ne da bi na kakršen koli način motili tekoče procese. Zahvaljujoč Applovemu ekosistemu je mogoče številne aplikacije razširiti tudi na druge Applove naprave za še hitrejši dostop do pomembnih informacij in olajšanje odločanja.
Stroški in naložbe
Applove naprave so narejene tako, da vas bodo še leta spremljala v vašem podjetju. Zaradi kakovosti izdelkov imajo običajno najvišjo preostalo vrednost med vsemi izdelki na trgu. In ravno zato je to priročna finančna rešitev za vsako podjetje. Poleg tega fleksibilni programi zakupa in odkupa pri iSTYLE, ki jih lahko omogočimo za vaše podjetje, naredijo te izdelke še bolj privlačne.
Kdo smo
Smo Apple Premium Reseller z dolgoletno tržno tradicijo. Naš B2B oddelek že leta pomaga vašim podjetjem in organizacijam.
Naš cilj je izboljšati vaše podjetje in vam pomagati, da se osredotočite na druge pomembne stvari, povezane z vašim podjetjem. Z zagotavljanjem kakovostne strojne opreme in njenim možnim upravljanjem olajšamo vaše poslovanje.
Ponudili vam bomo naše izkušnje
V času našega obstoja smo na področju dobave in integracije pomagali več kot 100 velikim in srednje velikim podjetjem.
Kaj je pomembno za nas
Predlagati vam optimalno rešitev ali njene možne opcije.
Pomagati vam dokončati postopek naročanja, tako da bo vse potekalo hitro, učinkovito in brez stresa.
Zagotoviti podporo pri zgodnjih in poznejših operacijah. Če nas izberete, nikoli ne boste sami.
Naša ekipa

Svetovali vam bomo po telefonu
Skrbimo, da vas naučimo, kako uporabljati Applove sisteme na najprimernejši način. Če imate kakršna koli vprašanja, ne oklevajte in se nemudoma obrnite na nas. Tu smo, da vam pomagamo. In le tako se boste brez zadrževanja naučili uporabljati vse neverjetne funkcije Applovega ekosistema in si olajšali svoje poslovanje. Tudi mi smo bili enkrat na začetku.
Usposabljali bomo vaše zaposlene
Vašim zaposlenim bomo pomagali pri izobraževanju, da se bodo v najkrajšem možnem času navadili na kateri koli nov Applov izdelek. Imamo certificirane inštruktorje, ki bodo vaše vodje naučili, kako učinkovito uporabljati Applove aplikacije, kar jim bo olajšalo delo in jim polepšalo dan.
Usposabljanja lahko izvajamo tako v naših kot vaših prostorih.
Izbrali bomo ustrezne izdelke
Glede na vaše poslovne potrebe nudimo klasične in posebne konfiguracije, ki jih potrebujete za maksimalno uspešnost vaših zaposlenih. Konfiguracije lahko kombiniramo glede na potrebe posameznih delovnih mest.
Poleg klasične strojne opreme ponujamo tudi različno dodatno opremo, kot so zaščitna stekla in ovitki, razni adapterji in polnilci ter ostale produkte, ki bomo vašim zaposlenim omogočili celostno rešitev.
Poskrbeli bomo za vas
Smo pooblaščeni ponudnik storitev za Applove izdelke. Imamo ekipo certificiranih in izkušenih strokovnjakov. Tako zagotavljamo hitro in kakovostno storitev v primeru, da se z vašo Applovo napravo zgodi kaj nepričakovanega. Naša storitev je za leto 2019 prejela prestižno nagrado APASP (Apple Premium Authorized Service Provider). Ta nagrada je podeljena samo servisnim centrom, ki dosledno zagotavljajo največje zadovoljstvo strank in nudijo najvišjo kakovost storitev.

Poskrbeli bomo za vašo napravo
Z nadzorom nad mobilnimi napravami (ang. Mobile Device Management, MDM) vam lahko pomagamo nastaviti in nadzorovati vse naprave iOS v vašem podjetju. MDM omogoča vašemu IT oddelku nadzor nad varnostjo in vsebino naprav, ki jih uporabljajo vaši zaposleni. Vaš IT oddelek bomo usposobili za uporabo MDM in vam pomagali pri začetni namestitvi.
Za vas bomo nastavili vse naprave
Da bi prehod potekal nemoteno, z veseljem pripravimo nove Applove izdelke za vas, tako da jih bodo zaposleni le odpakirali in jih takoj začeli uporabljati. To bo pospešilo delo in prihranilo čas vašim zaposlenim, saj se bodo lahko namesto stresnega nameščanja osredotočili na opravljanje svojih nalog.
Z nami ste lahko brez skrbi
Applovi izdelki so kakovostni, njihova življenjska doba je dolga in zahvaljujoč brezčasnemu dizajnu izgledajo naravnost odlično. Kaj pa, če se zgodi kaj nepričakovanega? Kraja, nenamerna poškodba, okvara izven garancijskega roka? V vsakodnevnem in korporativnem poslovanju se lahko pripeti veliko nepričakovanih stvari. Razlita kava ali pozabljen računalnik v avtomobilu. Zato bomo z veseljem poskrbeli za zavarovanje v primeru kraje in nezgodne škode, po možnosti garancijo podaljšamo do 3 ali 5 let.
Posodili vam bomo našo opremo
Niste prepričani, katera naprava bi bila najbolj primerna za dejansko poslovanje vašega podjetja? Razumemo vaše začetne skrbi glede neznanega. Zato vam ponujamo priložnost, da preizkusite našo opremo v resničnih pogojih vašega poslovanja. Vaše zadovoljstvo in pravilna izbira izdelkov sta naša absolutna prioriteta.
Ali organizirate večji dogodek in potrebujete zadostno količino opreme? Kontaktirajte nas. Posodimo vam opremo, ki jo potrebujete.

Zakaj izbrati ravno nas
Za razvoj podjetij in ohranjanje njihovega položaja na trgu je danes ena ključnih dejavnosti izbira primernega poslovnega partnerja. Ker se tega dejstva zelo dobro zavedamo, si po svojih najboljših močeh prizadevamo rešiti in olajšati vaše poslovanje, da se boste lahko v celoti osredotočili na rast vašega podjetja.
Kaj vam prinaša sodelovanje z iSTYLE?
- Močno partnerstvo za razvoj vašega podjetja. Korporativnim strankam pomagamo reševati poslovna vprašanja že več let.
- Skrbnik ključnih kupcev hitrim in individualnim dostopom bo zadovoljil vse vaše potrebe.
- Strokovna pomoč pri izbiri izdelkov. Glede na vaše potrebe bomo pripravili najprimernejšo rešitev z najboljšo možno ceno.
- Nakup z računom z možnostjo individualnega dogovora o prilagodljivem roku zapadlosti, glede na obseg naročila in vrsto sodelovanja.
- Privlačne možnosti financiranja v obliki poslovnega zakupa. Skupaj vam bomo pomagali izbrati ustrezno obliko financiranja, s pomočjo katerega lahko svoj kapital vložite v razvoj ali druge potrebne dejavnosti.

iSTYLE DEP ID: 4359010
Device Enrolment Program (DEP)
DEP je storitev za samodejno registracijo naprav, ki omogoča hiter in enostaven način uporabe Maca in iOS-a v vašem podjetju ali šoli.
DEP poenostavi začetno nastavitev in napravo samodejno dodeli v vaš MDM (Mobile Device Management). Naprave so pripravljene za sprejemanje profilov, aplikacij in omejitev, ne da bi pri tem potrebovali kakršno koli fizično nastavljanje. S pomočjo DEP in naprav, ki so v lasti podjetja, ročna konfiguracija ni potrebna. Instrumenti so postavljeni in pripravljeni na strežniku še preden naprave vzamete iz škatle. Ko je naprava aktivirana in povezana z internetom, je že nastavljena glede na vaš vnos na MDM strežniku.
TČe želite uporabljati storitev DEP, preprosto kupite napravo pri nas in mi vam bomo sporočili naš DEP Reseller ID in vam tako pomagali, da ga implementirate v svoje podjetje/šolo.
Kako deluje?
- Ustvarite račun na https://business.apple.com/. Vnesite osnovne podatke o vašem podjetju in številko DUNS, ki jo lahko najdete TUKAJ. Ustvariti morate tudi poseben Apple ID za administracijo DEP. Po končani registraciji boste prejeli svoj DEP ID, ki nam ga morate sporočiti.
- Ustvarite skrbniške račune za registracijo naprave. Lahko ustvarite skrbnika za celotno podjetje/šolo ali samo za določene oddelke.
- Preko TOKEN-a povežete svoje MDM strežnike in jim dodelite naprave po serijski številki ali številki naročila. Za prihodnje nakupe lahko nastavite samodejno dodeljevanje želenemu MDM strežniku.
- V MDM dodelite zahtevane profile, aplikacije in omejitve. Ko uporabnik zaključi začetno namestitev, se bo naprava samodejno registrirala v MDM in nastavila po vaših željah.
iSTYLE pro firmy
Allow your employees to do their best.
macOS and iOS are designed to make employees feel comfortable and safe when they work. With their intuitive controls, they will be able to fulfil their duties more easily and quickly and work as best they can. The result will be a more efficient and effective company.
- Why Apple
- Who we are
- What We Do
- Why choose us
Apple to Business
Apple products are made to reflect the needs of modern companies and organizations. They offer employees powerful solutions along with a representative design that underlines the image of a quality business partner.
With intuitive controls, products are easily deployed to small, medium and large companies, including corporations, where they are fully compatible with business systems and applications.
The popularity of the macOS and iOS platforms promote a smooth transition between systems also, as most employees already familiar with this environment.
Designed for any department
Apple products have the perfect design, intuitive control and the widest ecosystem of related applications. This makes them the best tool for any employee. Help your employees succeed in day-to-day operations and bring more value to your company.
Ready to use
Apple products work seamlessly with applications you use, such as Google G Suite or Microsoft Office. This allows your employees to conveniently switch between applications and work as they are accustomed to.
On all mobile platforms, Apple has the most applications you need for your business. Starting with business intelligence, billing, communication or measuring and recording efficiency.
You can easily customize your applications to fit your business needs and your business environment. Systems can also be integrated into back-end systems.
Safety first
Apple products are fundamentally ready for use with an out-of-the-box solution and application suite. This basic solution also includes system-wide protection from device security to applications to data protection.
With regular updates, including remote management assistance, you can be sure that you have secure products from a quality provider.
Easy to deploy, support and manage
Thanks to their compatibility, Apple products are fully integrated into your business without disrupting running processes in any way. Thanks to the Apple ecosystem, many applications can be extended to other Apple devices for faster access to important information and make decision making easier.
Costs and investments
Apple devices are built to last for years in your business. Due to the quality of products, they usually have the highest residual value of all products on the market. This makes it a convenient financial solution for any company. In addition, flexible financial leasing programs with iSTYLE as well as any repurchase we can make for your company make these products even more attractive.
Who we are
We are Apple's Premium Reseller with the longest tradition in the market. Our B2B department has been helping your businesses and organizations grow for over 10 years.
Our goal is to improve your business and help you focus on other important topics related to your business. By delivering quality hardware and its possible management, we make your business operation easier.
We will offer you experience
For more than 10 years of our existence, we have helped more than 100 corporations, where we continuously deliver long-term solutions, and more than 1,000 mid-market businesses to help with both delivery and integration.
What is important to us
Suggest for you an optimal solution or its possible options.
Help you complete the order process so that everything is fast, efficient and worry-free for you.
Provide support in early and later operations. You're not alone, if you choose us.
Naša ekipa

We will advise you over the phone
We care to show how to use Apple's systems the best possible way. Do not be afraid to ask us anytime, if you have a question. We are here to help. Only then will you learn to use all the amazing features of the Apple ecosystem without any restraint, and make your business easier. We, too, were beginners once.
We will train your employees
We will help your employees with trainings to rapidly adapt any new Apple product. We have certified instructors who will teach your managers how to effectively use Apple applications with each other, making it easier for them to work and make their day less difficult.
We can provide training both in our premises and internally.
We will select suitable products
Based on your business needs, we provide both the classic and special configurations you need for the right performance of your employees. The configurations can be combined according to the needs of individual work positions.
In addition to classic hardware, we will also provide accessories including cover glass, packaging and car chargers for specific conditions.
We'll take care of you
We are an authorized service provider for Apple products. We have a team of certified, experienced professional. As a result, we provide fast, high-quality service in case something unexpected happens to your Apple device. Two of our service centres have received the prestigious APASP award for 2019. (Apple Premium Authorized Service Provider) This award is only given to service centres that consistently ensure maximum customer satisfaction and offer the highest quality service.

We will take care of your device
With Mobile Device Management (MDM), we can help you set up and manage all iOS devices in your business in bulk. MDM enables your IT department to control the security and content of the devices your employees use. We will train your IT department to use MDM and assist you in initial setup.
We'll set up all the devices for you
To make the transition smooth, we're happy to set up the new Apple products for you so your employees can just unpack them and start using them right away. This will speed up operations and save time for your employees, who will not be stressed by the installation instead of performing their work duties.
You can be sure with us
Apple products are high quality, last many years and look great thanks to timeless design. But what if something unexpected happens? Theft, accidental damage, failure after the warranty period. There are many unexpected events happening in both daily and corporate operations. Spilled coffee or a forgotten computer in the car speaks for itself. Therefore, we will be happy to arrange for you theft and accidental damage insurance, possibly extended warranty for up to 3 years.
We will lend you our equipment
Not sure which device will work best for your company's actual operations? We understand your initial concerns about the unknown. Therefore, we give you the opportunity to test our equipment in the real conditions of your business operations. Your satisfaction and the right choice of products is our absolute priority.
Are you organizing a larger event and need a sufficient amount of equipment? Contact us. We lend the equipment you need.

Why us
For the development of companies and maintaining their position on the market today, one of the key activities is the selection of a suitable business partner. Being fully aware of this fact, we are doing our utmost to help you solve and facilitate your business operations so that you can fully focus on your business growth.
What does cooperation with iSTYLE bring to you?
- A strong partnership for the development of your business. We have been helping corporate customers solve operational issues for over 10 years.
- Personal Key Account Manager with fast and individual access to suit your needs.
- Professional help with product selection. Based on your needs we will prepare the most suitable solution with the best possible price.
- Purchase on invoice with the possibility of individual agreement of flexible due date, according to the order volume or type of cooperation.
- Attractive financing options in the form of financial or operational leasing. Together we will help you to choose the appropriate form of financing, thanks to which you can reinvest your own capital into development or other necessary activities. We can help to cover costs from external sources up to 100% of the value of goods.

iSTYLE DEP ID: 4359010
Device Enrolment Program (DEP)
DEP is an automatic device registration service that provides a quick and easy way to deploy Mac and iOS to your business or school.
DEP simplifies initial setup and automatically assigns the device to your MDM (Mobile Device Management). The devices are ready to receive profiles, applications and restrictions without the need for any physical setup. With DEP and company-owned devices, no manual configuration is required. The instruments are set up and ready on the server before you unpack them from the box. Once the device is activated and connected to the Internet, it is immediately set up according to your input on the MDM server.
To use the DEP service, just buy the device through us and we will then give you the DEP Reseller ID and help you implement it in your company / school.
How does it work?
- Create an account at https://business.apple.com/. You will enter basic information about your business and DUNS number, which you can find HERE. You also need to create a dedicated Apple ID for DEP administration. After completing the registration you will receive your DEP ID, which you need to tell us.
- Create administrator accounts to register your device. You can create an administrator for the whole company / school or only for certain sections.
- Through TOKEN you connect your MDM servers and assign them devices by serial number or order number. For future purchases, you can set up automatic assignment to the desired MDM server.
- You assign the required profiles, applications, and restrictions in your MDM. When the user completes the initial setup, the device will be automatically registered to the MDM and set up to your liking.